Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Aihole inscriptions


Aihole inscription

The inscription is found at  Meguti Temple in Aihole,which has one of  the significance  inscriptions in the history of India and witnessed for the historical events of Chalukyas.The inscription written in Sanskrit and it is in old Kannada script.There is a mention about the defeat of Harshavardhana by Pulikeshi II. And there is a mention about the victory of Chalukyas on Pallavas, also mentioned about the shifting of the capital from Aihole to Badami by Pulikeshi. There is mention about the poets Kalidasa and Bharavi.

The Aihole inscription were written by the Ravikirti, court poet of Chalukya King, Pulakeshi II .The poetic verses of Ravikirti, in praise of the king, can be read in the Meguti temple,dated 634 A.D.

Aihole inscription of Pulakesin II mentioned as akrantatma-balonnatim Pallavanam patim, means that the Pallavas had attempted to prevent the rise of the Badami Chalukyas. The conflict of the two powers before the campaign of Pulakesin II against the Pallavas Inscription, which was prepared by Pulakeshi II (634 AD) and found in the Jain Temple at Aihole. Scholars have used this inscription, which is related to the Mahabharath War and Kaliyuga. In the Aihole inscription referred that Mangalesha's victory over the Kalachuris and the conquest of Revatidvipa. According to the Aihole inscription of Pulakeshin II, a civil war between Mangalesha and Pulakeshin II, due to Mangalesa's attempt to secure the succession for his own son, which was the end of Mangalesha's reign. The inscription of Amoghavarsha I found at Aihole, mentioned his new administration 

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