Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Mallikarjuna Temple, Kuruvatti in Bellary district

The Mallikarjuna temple is located in the town of Kuruvatti  in Bellary district.The temple was constructed in the early 12th century by Kalyani Chalukya.historian Sinha feels the temple may have been constructed between 1070 A.D and 1100A.D in his memory by his heir apparent, the King Vikramaditya VI.

The Mallikarjuna temple has a ekakuta vimana with porched entrances from three sides. According to the art  the existing sikhara is a later day re-construction.The temple consists of a garbhagriha, an antichamber (also called  antarala) which connects the sanctum to a gathering hall (sabhamantapa), two halls (mukhamantapa) on either side, and indedpendent of the main temple complex and to the east, a hall (nandi mantapa) containing a sculpture of Nandi . The outer walls of the shrine and mantapa have been provided with projections and recesses giving rise to niches, in which, in relief, are pilasters,miniature decorative towers,sculptures of Hindu gods, and women displaying stylized feminine features (salabanjika). According to Cousens, the presence of miniature decorative towers on the shrine walls is noteworthy because most other  Kalyani Chalukya constructions have these reliefs only on the superstructure over the shrine.Cousens feels the specimens of makara on the shrine walls are exceptionally delicate with "tails of flowing arabesque" standing out free from the background material.Inside, the entrance to the antechamber has a highly decorated lintel with motifs of aquatic creatures.

Wall relief in Mallikarjuna temple at Kuruvatti

Ornate shrine entrance door jamb in Mallikarjuna temple at Kuruvatti


old photo mallikarjuna temple kuruvatti

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