Sunday, November 17, 2013

Galageshwara temple in Haveri District

The Galageshwara temple, an example of the Chalukya style of architecture, was built here around the 11th century. 

The temple faces to east and it is situated along the Tungabhadra river. the temple consists of a huge Shiva Linga in a closed hall; it is called Sparsha linga.The temple has an unusual pyramidal basement and a large open hall.The Gopura  is decorated with plain architectural elements while the wall panels of the back of the hall have some fine decorations. The interior has numerous niches containing figural sculpture including Ganesha.
A large inscription slab in the open hall of Galageshwara temple dates from AD 1080 and records a grant to the God Galageshvara. The date gives an indication of the era when the temple was built.
The inscription here informs about the prevalence of the tradition of dance and music. The high state of development which the art of music had reached in the 11th century A.D. can be gathered from an inscription of Chalukya king Vikramaditya from Galaganath,Haveri Taluk which mentions a certain Mokhari Barmmayya, a musician of high order, titled Battisaraga-bahu-kala-Brahma meaning skilled in 32 ragas.

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